Tender Wording for Data Access and API Requirements

What is it?

This document offers suggested wording to be included in technology tenders so that boroughs can set clear and explicit expectations with suppliers about their data access and API requirements.

Why have we created it?

Boroughs expect to work with suppliers who understand and support their need for data access. Yet some suppliers have been known to charge – sometimes significant – fees for extracting system data that is not part of standard reports or dashboards. Enabling data sharing specifically via Application Programming interfaces (APIs – which allow two applications to talk to each other) is a key enabler of boroughs’ ability to create seamless digital services for their residents. Boroughs expect this functionality in the majority of systems they operate.

Who should use it?

The document is of particular relevance to IT, Digital, Procurement and Service teams working to procure technology systems for their boroughs.

View the tender wording

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