How to Use the London DataStore for Data Collaboration Projects

What is it?

A guide to using the London DataStore for sharing data securely and privately across organisational boundaries in London.

The guide explains:

  • The functionality of the London DataStore for private data sharing
  • The security in place
  • How to sign up and use the DataStore
  • Case studies on the collaborative projects that are securely and privately sharing data on the DataStore

Why did we create it?

Data collaboration projects are complex and require alignment of outcomes, information governance processes and technical architecture across multiple stakeholders. The London DataStore is a free service for London that enables boroughs and their partners to share data without building bespoke infrastructure for each data sharing project.

We want to encourage boroughs embarking on data collaboration projects to use the London DataStore as the standard way to share data as it reduces the need for a multitude of bespoke, complex, potentially insecure and adhoc file-sharing arrangements.

Who should use it?

The guide is aimed at officers who are currently, or are planing to, share data between multiple organisations in London.

The London DataStore for Data Collaboration Projects

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