Weeknote 15 of 2022
Below is the latest news from the LOTI community, based on the activities we worked on during the week commencing 25 April.
Meeting with our Data Communities of Practice
The Data Science network meeting was joined by colleagues from ONS to discuss approaches to Data Engineering, including, a summary of the fundamental concepts, using and creating Reproducible Analytic Pipelines (RAPs) and useful resources.
At our Data Leaders network meeting, we continued discussions on setting up a collaborative project to build a data model for understanding future waste and recycling requirements for different housing types to meet new requirements in the Environment Act. We also shared details of current and future data projects from across the boroughs including Westminster’s Data Springboard and a discussion on using repairs data in housing.
If you would like to join either network contact Jay (jay.saggar@loti.london).
Publishing digital inclusion resources
The latest version of the Triage – Intervention Matrix has been published as a resource on the LOTI website. The resource can be used by those designing libraries or directories of digital inclusion services to help match between needs and available services. The package of resources includes an overview of each of the digital exclusion segments and contains a matrix and a list of generic digital inclusion interventions. The matrix shows how digital inclusion services can be mapped to the digital exclusion segments.
Sharing new resources to support innovation in social care
As part of our project in exploring how digital technology and new service models can improve outcomes for people receiving adult social care services, we have launched two new sets of resources to help boroughs work with a broader range of innovative technology suppliers to support their current social care operations, and also showcase how radical new service models can improve the quality of the care while providing services that are financially sustainable. The new sets of resources include:
- Technology innovators – Database of innovative solutions and report outlining how these innovative solutions are supporting the social care sector.
- New service models – A report and case studies outlining how organisations in the UK and abroad are using technologies and other digitally-enabled methods to create new service models for delivering adult social care.
Celebrating digital inclusion
We are excited to announce that on 23 June 2022, LOTI and the GLA will be hosting an in-person event to celebrate digital inclusion in London. London’s Digital Inclusion Conference will bring together practitioners from across the public, private and third sectors to share their progress in tackling digital exclusion and discuss how they can collaborate more closely in future. We have an exciting agenda which includes expert speakers, presentations of innovative digital inclusion initiatives and plenty of opportunities for networking. If you are interested in attending or sharing your digital inclusion initiative, get in touch with Polly (polly.kwok@loti.london).
Coming up this week
This week, the team will be:
- Hosting a Show and Tell of Hackney’s Link Worker Model.
- Planning and promoting upcoming LOTI events, for all the details visit our events page.
- Running workshops with the London Environment Directors’ Group in advance of a major design sprint we’re holding in May to bring digital and data innovation to support London’s net-zero targets.
For all the latest news from LOTI, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Polly Kwok