Blog Archives

Image Recognition- AI in Westminster Report It Service

16 May 2024

Join us on the 22nd May to hear from Westminster’s Ethan Knight on the use of image recognition as part of Westminster Report It service. Report It allows Westminster residents to flag issues to the council – Ethan and colleagues …

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Innovation Lunch and Learn: Design tools to navigate uncertainty with Nesta

9 May 2024 Leave a comment

Cost of Living Data Workshop

9 May 2024 Leave a comment

London Digital Inclusion Monthly Meetup – ONLINE

22 April 2024

Following our successful series of Digital Inclusion Strategy Framework sessions, and feedback from participants for a more sustained engagement and regional approach to digital inclusion in London, LOTI is looking to establish a London-wide Digital Inclusion Network. LOTI is delighted to initiate this network …

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Pan-London Damp and Mould Project: Shaping the Data Workshop

22 April 2024

As part of the Pan London IoT Damp and Mould project we will be building a data platform to aggregate data on damp and mould generated by sensors from across the pilot boroughs and beyond. The intention is use the …

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Pan-London Damp and Mould Practical Collaboration Webinar

10 April 2024

Pan-London Damp and Mould Practical Collaboration Webinar The Pan-London IoT Damp and Mould Pilot is now live with 16 London Boroughs participating. We are holding an online workshop for both participant and non participant boroughs to share progress and discuss …

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London Digital Inclusion Conference: Building Partnerships

2 April 2024

Join us for this one day event to discuss the key issues surrounding digital inclusion including how better cross-sector partnerships can help address digital exclusion in London. About the event LOTI and the GLA are delighted to host the annual …

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London Digital Inclusion Strategy Workshop: Session 3

15 February 2024

LOTI is excited to welcome Digital Inclusion leads from boroughs as well as VCSs and partners in digital inclusion to the third and final session of our Digital Inclusion Strategy Workshop series! This online session is a follow-up from the …

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Show and Tell: Piloting a home care cooperative in Clapton

29 January 2024

About this event We warmly invite social care leads from LOTI boroughs and other organisations involved in delivering adult social care to join this session. About this project This is one of two projects LOTI funded as part of its New …

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Show and Tell: Adult Social Care Front door Discovery at Redbridge

29 January 2024

About this project This is a discovery project led by Redbridge Council and funded by the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities to explore the user journeys residents take when they need social care support. What will be covered …

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London Digital Inclusion Strategy Workshop: Session 2 – In Person

14 December 2023

LOTI is excited to welcome Digital Inclusion leads from boroughs to Session 2 of our Digital Inclusion Strategy Workshop series! This session is a follow-up from the online workshop held on 8 November 2023, and will be an opportunity to meet in …

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