Digital, Data & Innovation Reference Model

Helping boroughs understand the capabilities they need to develop to thrive in the digital era

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Status: Completed


LOTI wants to see a future where London’s public sector organisations can thrive in the digital era, achieving their best for their residents. The COVID experience has highlighted that organisations need to be ready and able to adapt at great speed to unpredictable events and crises. Council leaders have seen first hand the pivotal role that digital and data play in making that possible. It’s also placed a new urgency on the need to find more effective and financially sustainable ways of working. To not just survive but thrive in this environment and meet the expectations of their residents, boroughs need to be able to innovate – both individually and collectively – and make the smartest use of all the best tools and methods at their disposal.

Supported by Bloomberg Associates, this project therefore aims to help boroughs understand what capabilities they need to develop in the fields of digital, data and innovation. It sets out to answer questions such as: What does good look like? What do these capabilities consist of? What does investing in these capabilities enable boroughs to do? How do we articulate the rationale for developing them to CEOs and CFOs, as well as CIOs?


Project Timeline


DDI Model Data Collection Complete

Following interviews and workshops with LOTI boroughs, the underlying data that powers the DDI model is now complete. LOTI is now exploring which development partner can build out the first version of a fully functional tool. Further updates will be posted soon.

LOTI Data, Digital and Innovation Capability Model screenshot


Initial Prototype

Omid Shiraji (Interim Chief Information Officer, One Source – London Boroughs of Newham and Havering) shared a live demo of the initial prototype of the Digital, Data and Innovation reference model & next steps for the project.


Web research completed

Web research on existing digital, data and innovation capability models was conducted by Ruth Puttick. The attached report summarises her findings, which are helping to inform the designs of our prototype models.

DDI Web Research on Existing Models
LOTI DDI Research Brief


LOTI commissions a researcher to help uncover examples of digital, data and innovation reference models used in different sectors to inform the design of our work.


Project Kick off

The project begins with a workshop for LOTI CIOs and project partners to understand what specific outcomes we want to achieve and what problems we want to solve through the creation of a digital, data and innovation reference model.

Digital Data Innovation Reference Model Workshop 1

Project Kick-off

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