LOTI Leadership Series

Helping educate and inform borough leaders about digital and data innovation.

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Status: Paused

The LOTI Leadership Series is a selection of short videos and other content aimed at councils’ senior leadership teams and elected members, that explain key concepts in digital and data innovation and their role in enabling it.

The intention is that the videos will be helpful for leaders, but also for staff working within council digital and data teams who want to find better ways of explaining their needs to their own management.

The first wave of videos will be prototyped by LOTI’s Eddie Copeland and Dave Briggs of Sensible Tech. However, we’re keen to work with the whole LOTI community to create interesting and useful content. If you’d like to help us make a clear and compelling explainer video on a particular topic, please do get in touch!


Project Timeline


How much technology do leaders need to know?

In this video, LOTI Director, Eddie Copeland, interviews Dave Briggs, founder of SensibleTech, about how much understanding of technology is required for leaders.


Why governments should not seek to be technology-driven

LOTI Director, Eddie Copeland, outlines the risks of organisations persuing a technology-driven strategy, and explains why starting with real-world outcomes is a more effective approach.


What does leadership look like in the digital age?

LOTI Director, Eddie Copeland, interviews Dave Briggs, founder of SensibleTech, about the role of Council leaders to help digital thrive in their organisation.


What do we mean by digital?

LOTI Director, Eddie Copeland, interviews Dave Briggs, founder of SensibleTech, about some of the core principles in digital transformation that councils need to understand.




Understanding digital age operating models

In this video, Eddie Copeland explains how councils can think about radical new service models that can be enabled by digital and data.


8 things senior leaders can do to help their organisations use data effectively

Eddie Copeland outlines eight specific actions leaders can take to enable their organisations to make the most of data.


How to use data to enable better decisions and actions

Eddie Copeland explains how and why councils should use LOTI’s outcomes-based methodology for data projects.

Project Kick-off

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