Advice on sharing pupil information for vaccinations in schools

A Child Health Information Services (CHIS) is an NHS-commissioned service that is responsible for collating data from various organisations for all children that are either residents or registered with a GP Practice in a specified area, into a single Child Health Record. Records are kept of all the babies, children and young adults aged 0-19 years old and up to 26 years for those with special educational needs.
CHIS Service Providers receive data from organisations such as Public Health teams, Health Visitors, School Nursing and Immunisations teams to help with increasing vaccination coverage to prevent outbreaks of disease, supporting the healthy child programme, assisting in the delivery of children’s public health services and safeguarding vulnerable children.
This resource from LOTI and NHS England is available to describe the lawful sharing of pupil data for immunisation purposes.
Who should use it
- Information Governance teams
- Local authority Education leaders
- Directors of Public Health
- Schools
- CHIS Service Providers
- Explain the justification under data protection legislation for sharing pupil data for immunisation purposes.
- Describe the applicable legislation and lawful basis conditions.
- Support local authorities and schools in ensuring their privacy notices suitably describe the data sharing.