Drivers, foundations and data protection considerations for damp & mould-related data projects

What is it?

This guidance identifies the drivers and data protection considerations for using data relating to damp and mould, and the health of tenants and properties affected by it. Information is given to help organisations decide their position on how to build strong foundations for projects to comply with data protection legislation when processing damp and mould-related data.

There is a list of relevant legislation and lawful basis conditions and language that will help you justify the purposes for processing personal data.

Also included is a reference table highlighting how this type of data processing relates to the recommendations for senior management from the Housing Ombudsman’s 2021 Spotlight Report.

Why did we create it?

Damp and mould is a mounting issue for social landlords and leads to a decline in public health and property standards. There are pilot projects to use damp and mould sensors in properties and more linking of data about damp and mould and the health and wellbeing of tenants. 

Collecting damp and mould sensor data can involve, among other drivers, the intent to change tenant behaviour, and to match this data to more sensitive information about individuals, such as health data. There are important data protection considerations to address at the beginning of any pilot or project.

Who should use it?

  • Social landlords wishing to use damp and mould sensors or process data relating to damp and mould.
  • Local authority officers responsible for housing and public health.
  • Local authority Data Protection Officers.
  • Analysts working with damp and mould data.
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