LOTI Health & Social Care System Technology Map
What is it?
This resource consists of a short research report and database of technology and data solutions that LOTI commissioned CC2i to undertake in December 2024. The research focused on identifying solutions that address the challenges and paint points identified as part of LOTI’s Sandbox in Adult Social Care initiative.
The report covers the key headlines and insights whereas the database provides further details of each of the 81 technology and data solutions identified as part of this work.
Why did we create it?
Councils are under enormous pressure to deliver more with less. An estimated overspend of £564m in Adult Social Care in the UK, coupled with many councils being required to make further in-year savings of 35% in 2024 alone, has created an urgent need for innovation in how care is delivered.
The LOTI Sandbox in Adult Social Care initiative is an experimental approach that supported boroughs with applying the latest innovation tools to this massive local government challenge. This process helped multi-disciplinary teams to design and development six prototypes of which three are digital solutions. An insight from running the Sandbox was that there already are many ready-made solutions in the health and care ecosystem.
This led us to commissioning this piece of research that looked at the wider health and care system but focusing on the challenges and pain points we’d identified as part of the Sandbox.
This database in not meant to replace boroughs own research, rather it should be a starting point and provide initial orientation for any further work.
Who should use it
This resource should be useful to anyone working in adult social care or digital / transformation services in local government. It may be of particular interest to Directors of Adult Social Care, Chief Technology Officers, Digital, Transformation & Innovation leads.
View the report View the database