LOTI’s Service Innovation Cards

What is it?

LOTI’s Service Innovation Cards are intended to help teams think more creatively about how they can improve the services they offer. In this resource, you’ll read about the theory behind the cards and how to use them as part of a workshop.

Why did we create it?

The nature of the issues facing local government teams today is such councils need every tool and approach at their disposal to create great solutions. Traditional public services are also under considerable pressure. It appears that councils tend to confine themselves to playing with just 18 factors when they try to improve services. Inspired by real examples of social problems being tackled effectively around the world, LOTI’s service innovation cards offer an additional 18 factors that can open up new and exciting possibilities.

This resource provides both the theory and practical examples that underpin the cards, which can be used in workshop settings to help teams think outside the box.

Who should use it?

LOTI’s Service Innovation Cards are ideal for use by service managers and their teams, service designers and digital teams.

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