Social care technology innovators

What is it?
A database of UK-based social care technology innovators and accompanying report outlining how these innovative solutions are supporting the social care sector.
Why did we create it?
Boroughs have previously reported that even though legacy technologies are outdated, and no longer support modern services, they are limited in their choice of technology partners. This is partly because of existing monopolies in the marketplace and partly because innovative solutions are either in concept stages of development or the impact of their use in the public sector is not yet well-evidenced.
We hope the report and list of technologies will help boroughs better understand the emerging social care technology landscape and surface solutions that support the delivery of modern, high-quality care.
Who should use it?
Borough officers concerned with social care or IT service delivery wishing to adopt modern ways of delivering services.
Updates on the database of social care innovators
Please note additional social care solutions have been added to the database since the report launched early in 2022. These are not included as part of the analysis part in the report but are clearly indicated on the database.
If you’re a supplier and would like for your social care solution to be added to the LOTI database please send an email to
Read the executive summary Read the full report Full database of UK-based social care technology innovators
Read our accessible version of the Report on Google Docs.