Social tariffs and mobile packages

What is it?

A table listing the Social Tariffs offered by broadband providers and the mobile packages offered by telecommunication providers (telcos). This resource was last updated 23 November 2022.

Why did we create it?

A number of internet service providers offer cheaper tariffs to individuals receiving benefits. However, take-up has been low which means that many households are paying more than they need to. With this resource, LOTI aims to raise awareness of Social Tariffs to increase take-up amongst those who would most benefit from these offers.

While telco providers do not offer Social Tariffs, they are running initiatives to tackle digital exclusion. The support they provide is delivered by charities and community organisations, not the telco providers directly, so support access routes are not as straightforward.

Broadband providers also offer low-cost products that are not social tariffs. These do not require the customer to be in receipt of benefits, however they may not have the same advantages as social tariffs – for example, no cancellation fees. These are not featured on our resource, but can be found on a broadband comparison website such as Uswitch.

Who should use it?

This resource is for council practitioners working directly with residents who may be facing digital exclusion. Practitioners can use the resource to raise awareness and signpost eligible residents to the most appropriate Social Tariffs or mobile packages available. They can use the telco information to put residents in contact with organisations that may be able to provide them with free SIM cards and data.

Access the list of social tariff broadband deals here Access the list of mobile packages here

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