COVID Recovery: Data Exchange with the VCS

Improving the flow of data between councils and voluntary organisations to support vulnerable residents during Covid

Jump to: Introduction Collaborators Resources Project Timeline
Status: Completed


Boroughs VCS organisations have been collaborating to provide vital support services to those in need during the COVID crisis. This work has highlighted the value of these partnerships but also some key barriers to more effective working. Organisations require up to date visibility of individuals’ needs and the availability and capacity of support services, alongside robust mechanisms for referrals, feedback and impact monitoring. A key part of making these things possible is having the ability to share data between organisations – something that has proven very difficult.

London Borough of Camden and Central Bedfordshire Council alongside LOTI and the GLA have successfully won funding from the Ministry of Housing and Local Government’s (MHCLG) COVID-19 Challenge to take forward a project to discover, prototype and test a solution to data exchange that is reliable, scaleable and resusable.

Coming Next:

  • Piloting Community Insight Projects methodology with Camden and Central Beds
  • Get in touch if you would like to pilot the CIP methodology:



Community Insights Projects – User Guide

A guide on how to create and run Community Insights Projects: bringing together Voluntary and Charitable Sector staff and council data experts to explore how different types of quantitative and qualitative data can be used to meet the needs of residents.

Project Timeline

MHCLG_ Data Exchange show & tell share


MHCLG Show and Tell

Slides and a recording from the MHCLG C-19 Challenge Show and Tell


Relationships First. Data Second.

Emma McGowan reflects on the project and sets out Camden’s plan to test the Community Insights Project methodology

Community Insights Projects - User Guide


Final Report and User Guide Published

The User Guide supports council officers and VCS staff that want to develop projects and process for better sharing quantitative and qualitative data to meet the needs of residents and communities. The User Guide is supported by the Final Report that details the research process and findings.


Concept Workshop

Testing 3 proposed concepts with VCS and Council partners

Concept details for Monday, October 5th Concepts Workshop

Identifying Invisible and overlooked residents theme slide


Sprint Notes #1

During Sprint 1 we held our first Show and Tell session and started refining the project scope. Read Sandra Einon’s guest blog for all the details.


FutureGov is appointed as the delivery partner

Summary Notes - Data Exchange workshop with Camden and Central Bedfordshire


Pre-Discovery all Partner Workshop

Ahead of appointing a Delivery Manager we held our first all stakeholder workshop to map project outcomes and potential barriers for partners from councils, the GLA and VCS organisations.


Project Kick-off

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