Pan-London Data Sharing Agreements Project

Improving and tackling barriers to data sharing across London

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Status: Live



Organisations across London share personal data daily to deliver their statutory obligations, prevent crime or harm, and improve the wellbeing of residents. There are many Data Sharing Agreements (DSAs) across London borough councils, the Metropolitan Police, health trusts, the Probation and London Ambulance Services, voluntary sector groups, and more. 

There is pressure on national or pan-London organisations who must agree to multiple DSAs for the same purposes, and there is a constraint that different organisations have different geographical boundaries. It is difficult for organisations to sign multiple agreements for the same subject/purpose, or to expect their staff to work under different DSAs depending on the location of the individual with whom they are working.

Since the fundamentals of sharing data for many public sector purposes are the same across local authorities and the police, it is preferable to have one agreement; to provide clarity to professionals and promote a shared understanding of when and how information should be shared.

 As it is one of LOTI’s key goals to tackle barriers to effective data sharing, this project will significantly contribute to that aim.

Get Involved


If you would like to engage with this project to develop a pan-London DSA or discuss data-sharing opportunities, please contact Victoria Blyth from the LOTI team. 

If you are a member of an organisation that is a party to an existing DSA then we recommend that you contact your organisation’s Data Protection Officer or Information Governance Team first.

 DSAs are hosted on the Information Sharing Gateway.



Serious Violence Duty Data Sharing Requirements

A presentation proposing approaches to meet the responsibilities for data sharing and protection for the serious violence duty

Advice on sharing pupil information for vaccinations in schools

Background A Child Health Information Services (CHIS) is an NHS-commissioned service that is responsible for collating data from various organisations for all children that are either residents or registered with a GP Practice in a specified area, into a single …

Project Timeline


National Safeguarding Data Sharing Agreement Guidance and Template

LOTI contributed to a Department of Education-funded project to develop and publish a template and guidance to be used for data sharing for safeguarding purposes. 


Child Health Information Services

The CHIS system holds local active clinical care records of all babies, children and young adults in an area. Uses include for a child’s public health interventions, particularly screening, immunisations and outcomes of the 0 to 5 healthy child programme.


London Young People Study (Your Choice)

LYPS is a project run by the London Violence Reduction Unit and the Association of London Directors of Children’s Services. It trains workers delivering services to young people to deliver high-intensity cognitive-behavioural therapy-informed support.


London Resettlement Partnership (LRP)

The LRP covers children remanded and sentenced to youth custody from London and aims to improve resettlement outcomes for children and reduce reoffending.


Pan-London Information Governance Lead starts

Victoria Blyth begins working for LOTI as the Pan-London Information Governance Lead.


DSA for LIIA published

A DSA for the London Innovation and Improvement Alliance (LIIA) is published, to support sharing under multiple use cases for the Association of London Directors of Children’s Services (ALDCS) sector-led improvement partnership.


7 additional DSAs completed

Several more in-progress DSAs were completed, these include the YOS, Enviro Crime Councils, Adult Safeguarding, PABE, Supporting Families, and Prevent. 


MAPPA DSA is published

The Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) DSAs are the statutory arrangements to facilitate the assessment and management of risks posed by relevant sexual and violent offenders in London. The Department of Justice oversees MAPPA work.


Part-time coordinator trial begins

The 3-month trial of a part-time coordinator officer begins. This provides the resource to complete several in-progress DSAs. (ASB, IOM, DA MARAC, and Residual Crime).


Licensing DSA published

The Licensing DSA is published, covering sharing for licensing activities undertaken by local authorities, including alcohol, gambling and food premises.


Metropolitan Police Gangs Violence Matrix published

The DSA for sharing data relating to the Metropolitan Police Gangs Violence Matrix (GVM) is published. The aim of the matrix is to reduce gang-related violence, safeguard those exploited by gangs and prevent young lives being lost.



MAS DSA published

The Multi-Agency Safeguarding (MAS) DSA is published.


Work for the Multi-Agency Safeguarding DSA begins

The London Safeguarding Children Partnership Board and Information Governance for London (IGfL) begins work on the Multi-Agency Safeguarding DSA, for the protection and well-being of children and young people across the capital.


Pan-London DSA Working Group Approach established

As part of our Pan-London Data Sharing (DSA) project, Information Governance for London (IGfL) acts as coordinator, with a working group for each DSA.

Project Kick-off

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