Innovative service models in social care

What is it?
A report and case studies outlining how organisations in the UK and abroad are using technologies and other digitally-enabled methods to create new service models for delivering adult social care.
Each case study gives details of the service model, what is innovative about it, and how technology, data or digital tools and methods enabled it, including evidence about the impact of the innovation (where publicly available).
Why did we create it?
We created this resource to help borough leaders think differently about ways in which technologies and new service delivery models might enable high-quality care provision and address the ever-increasing demand in the sector.
The case studies cover a wide variety of models that focus on improving wellbeing, independence, costs across the following three themes:
- Wider social support models
- New approaches to caring for people in their homes
- Homes that Care
We hope these will act as a source of inspiration for leaders considering bottom-up approaches for delivering social care involving VCS partners and others.
Who should use it?
Public sector organisations wishing to deliver social care in new, more innovative ways that are financially sustainable and improve outcomes for service users.
Read the executive summary Read the full report Full database of international innovative service modelsRead our accessible version of the Report on Google Docs.
In-depth case studies:
Shared Lives Plus allows service users to continue living a “full life” in spite of any additional care needs they may have, and promotes the homeshare model, particularly relevant in the context of a lack of affordable accommodation in the UK.
GHP is a US model that offers a different way of life for people with residential nursing and dementia needs. It does this by combining innovation in the way that people are cared for and the way that homes are built.
North West Care Co-Operative’s governing structure allows users to have a voice in their treatment models, providers to have more buy-in, and for cost-effective care to be delivered with a collective and collaborative ethos.
A digital platform to link people, especially those with long-term care conditions, with health and wellbeing activities in their community to fight loneliness and improve health outcomes and the ability to self-manage care.
NYC COVID-19 Rapid Response Coalition
The NYC COVID-19 Rapid Response Coalition harnesses the power of private organisations to quickly and effectively reach at-risk and underserved populations during a pandemic. It shows how to use technology effectively in a health crisis.
U-PROFIT transitions from reactive to proactive elderly care and is made up of two programmes. A screening and monitoring intervention using routine healthcare data (U-PRIM) and a nurse-led multidisciplinary intervention program (U-CARE).
Cera Care aims to expand the pool of available support by seeking out individuals to recruit as professional carers. Cera provides them with innovative training methods including e-learning platforms, apprenticeship opportunities, and university partnership programmes.
Community Catalyst’s ability to harness and unlock local resources dedicated to care as well as entice new entrants to the space in order to improve social care and connect people to the wider community.