Supporting Dementia Care Toolkit
Measuring impact

Evaluation plan

The evaluation plan was developed after attending an event and in reference to LOTI’s Framework for Design and Evaluation. In order to determine whether this project achieved the desired outcomes, we planned to measure: 

  • Change in participants’ feelings of loneliness and isolation
  • Change in participants’ confidence with technology 
  • Usability of the Digital Befriending Kit to join in with online community groups 
  • Participants’ attendance and enjoyment of the online community groups

Change in participants’ feelings of loneliness and isolation and their confidence with technology was measured quantitatively, through a survey at the start and end of the pilot.

Confidence with technology, ease of use of the kit and enjoyment of the groups was measured qualitatively by asking participants about their experience and feelings in weekly 1:1 calls and in a final interview at the end of the pilot. 

Additionally, each participant was observed during the group sessions to monitor how they seemed to be engaging with and enjoying the experience.

We asked participants to self report on their attendance and enjoyment of the group so this could be fairly and accurately represented in this toolkit.

The evaluation of the pilot is covered in the pilot phase section.


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