How can I… create the healthiest future workplace?
Responding to COVID-19

How have other organisations responded to COVID-19?

Brent Council: Brent’s response to COVID-19 is a good example of a borough that went above and beyond. Through internal surveys, it identified employees in different COVID-19 risk categories and used this to inform how staff would use the office. For example, high-risk employees can use the online desk booking system to ensure their desk has been set up and cleaned for them, thereby reducing the need to interact with colleagues. Brent also set up a lateral flow testing facility on site so employees could get tested and receive their results quickly

Direct Online Services: This private e-commerce company put a COVID-19 health and safety system in place for employees based around three traffic lightcoloured wristbands. If a member of staff is comfortable with skin-to-skin contact (e.g. shaking hands), they wear a green wristband; if they would prefer an elbow bump, they wear a yellow wristband; and if they would like to avoid all contact, they wear a red wristband.

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