Social Tariffs Toolkit
What social tariffs are currently available?

Mobile data

For residents who prefer to use mobile data, affordable data connectivity is offered by some telecoms providers via local councils, charities and community organisations. We have provided an overview of these initiatives below and more detailed information can be found in this table.

Provider and initiative Product description How residents can take up the offer
VOXI For Now


Endless 5G-ready data, plus Endless calls and texts for £10 a month. Apply online




Free SIMs with 20GB data and unlimited calls and texts to be used over six months. Apply via an eligible charity.



Buy One Give One



Free SIMs with 20GB data and unlimited calls and texts for up to a year.



The Trussell Trust will use its network to identify people who could benefit most from free connectivity. SIM cards are distributed with foodbank packages.

Great British Tech Appeal




Redistributed smartphones with free calls, texts and 20MB for six months. Redistributed tablets and laptops with 20GB pre-loaded data-only SIMs (customer will have to pay for data after reaching limit). Barnardo’s and Business to Schools will allocate devices and SIMs to individuals, families and schools they have identified as most in need.







Mobile broadband offering unlimited data with three contract length options. Either a dongle/Mi-Fi device, or a SIM card for a smartphone (to act as a Wi-Fi hotspot) or laptop is provided. Via boroughs (and other organisations) who have signed up to the programme.









Redistributed smartphones and 90 days of free network use.




The charities will select individuals who are participating in their community programmes (focused on employment, financial or digital skills) who will benefit most from the scheme.
Virgin Media 02 / Vodafone / Three / Good Things Foundation

National Databank

Up to 12 months of data.



Via their local Online Centre.



London Grid for Learning

Unlimited Data SIMs



SIM cards that offer either: Unlimited 4G data on an annual contract at £12 per month or unlimited 4G data, calls and texts on an annual contract at £14.50 per month. Via boroughs who have signed up for the offer.




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