Social Tariffs Toolkit


A recent report by Ofcom found that just 1% of eligible households have taken up the low-cost tariffs offered by broadband providers.  To understand the barriers that borough, Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) and health practitioners face when raising awareness of broadband social tariffs, LOTI and Ofcom held a workshop in January 2022. Better understanding of the social tariffs available and eligibility criteria were highlighted as key barriers to signposting residents.

Improving access to connectivity, including social tariffs, is one of several areas that LOTI is exploring as part of the Digital Inclusion Innovation Programme (DIIP). DIIP is a two-year programme running between June 2021 and May 2023, which is led by LOTI and funded by the GLA. The DIIP supports the delivery of the London Recovery Board’s Digital Access for All Mission whose goal is for “Every Londoner to have access to good connectivity, basic digital skills and the device or support they need to be online by 2025”.  

This toolkit aims to help frontline practitioners in London councils, charities and community organisations better understand broadband social tariffs so they can signpost local residents who cannot afford standard tariffs to low-cost alternatives. Communications teams can use the tools provided at the end of this toolkit to promote broadband social tariffs across the channels they manage.

With the cost of living rising and the digital world playing an increasingly central role in our lives, it is more important than ever that eligible residents across London know about social tariffs. They could mean a saving of £7 – £27 a month – a significant amount for any household.

This toolkit was made possible by Ofcom, West London Alliance, Westminster City Council and the other participants at our January workshop.

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