Smarter London

Using smart city tools and approaches to improve services and create a better, more inclusive city.

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LOTI is working in the field of smart cities because we know that realising the full potential of these powerful tools and approaches in London depends on collaboration. For example:

Addressing Pan-London Issues: The types of issues that smart city tools and approaches are apt to address, such as pollution, congestion and energy consumption, do not neatly confine themselves to borough boundaries. Without some coordination, there is a risk that each borough implements a completely different approach, creating new data silos and preventing the creation of insights and services that could work across boundaries and benefit all Londoners.

Promoting Innovation: By coordinating and sharing lessons from their various experiments, boroughs can reduce the time, cost and risk of trialing new smart city innovations. This way, all get to learn faster. And by implementing some common standards and principles, they can make London a more attractive place for innovative companies to trial their products, and enable a greater number of innovators to build useful products and services with their data.

Protecting privacy and reputations: All boroughs take data privacy and ethics extremely seriously. Yet the use of the new and innovative tools and approaches in the field of smart cities presents new complexities for managing data well. LOTI can help boroughs by sharing design principles and guidance to implement smart city projects openly, ethically and securely to ensure they are worthy of Londoners’ trust, confidence and support.

We’re focused on helping boroughs establish common principles for designing smart city projects, and supporting them to use this style of technology to tackle London’s environmental challenges.



IoT Week Framework and Video

Summary video and IoT Framework created during LOTI and the GLA's IoT Week.

LOTI Guide to Designing Smart City Projects

A guide to designing smart city projects that are outcomes focused and embed trust, ethics and security as foundational principles.

London’s smart city picture

Learn more about the London boroughs and organisations that are actively involved in the Smart City space.

Project Timeline


LOTI Guide to Designing Smart City Projects

LOTI has published the first draft of a guide on how to design smart city projects that are outcomes-focused and embed trust, ethics and security as foundational principles.


6 Steps to Cyber Resilience in Smart Cities

Building on LOTI’s inital discovery work on cyber resilience we have distilled 6 key steps to Cyber Resilience in the smart city context that boroughs can embark on now.

Read more about why its crucial to get cyber resilience and security right for smart cities in our blog

6 Steps To Cyber Resilience


Cyber Resilience – Recommended actions

Practical guidance on cybersecurity and resilience to support the procurement of Smart City and IoT technology in London boroughs. The guidence maps to the LOTI Innovation in Procurement Toolkit steps.


Cyber Security and Resilience Proposal

Meha Shukla (Cyber Security Researcher, Skills Formation and UCL) demonstrated a prototype for embedding cybersecurity standards produced by NCSC, NIS, BSI and others into a practical tool to be used by borough officers in procuring IoT and Smart Cities technology.

SR-CAT MVP Presentation


Boroughs heard from NCSC, Skills Formation and BSI on the risks and challenges around implementing cyber security and embedding resilience for smart cities and IoT. The group discussed how guidance and standards could be made more accessible to borough officers.

View the recording:  Part 1 and Part 2 Please note: the NCSC sessions were redacted from the recording.


Prototype 1: Pan-London framework/guidance

Led by Sharing Cities, this group developed a Pan-London framework/guidance based on existing standards and guidance that would help boroughs to design and procure IoT in future.

Londons IoT Framework v2 Consultation DRAFT.pptx

LOTI IoT Portal


Prototype 2: Collaborative London IoT Portal

Championed by South London Partnership, this group developed an IoT portal to foster a culture of shared learning.


Video – IoT Week Summary

Video summarising IoT Week now available on YouTube. A full write up of the week is available on our Medium page.

#IoTWeek Friday presentation


Day 5 of IoT Week

At the end of the week, a public Show and Tell was held to share the best answers to each question. Feedback and next steps were delivered by the Chief Digital and Information Officers of our member boroughs.


Day 4 of IoT Week

Researchers were grouped together to develop prototypes to present back to the boroughs on the final day.

#IoT Week - Thursday Presentation
#IoT Week - Wednesday Presentation


Day 3 of IoT Week

The group of researchers from public, private and third sectors discussed the ideas proposed earlier in the week and captured the standout ideas and noted down the important objections. They were then invited to develop proposals against each idea and present these to the group for voting. The most popular ideas moved on to development.


Day 2 of IoT Week

The questions created on Monday were researched and curated by volunteers from local government, academia, and other institutions with expertise in this field.

#IoT Week - Tuesday Presentation
IoT Week - Master Slide Deck


Day 1 of IoT Week

Representatives from organisations involved in this field were invited to discuss London’s challenges and share their insights. The afternoon will focus on establishing a list of the key specific questions boroughs most wish to answer.


Project Planner

Setting out the plan for a sprint accelerator week to explore “How can boroughs use IoT-enabled smart street infrastructure for the benefit of all Londoners?”.

IoT Sprint Accelerator week - Planning

Project Kick-off

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