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Service Transformation Officer

13 June 2024 Comments Off on Service Transformation Officer

Systems Development Officer

13 June 2024 Comments Off on Systems Development Officer

Data Quality Officer

11 June 2024 Comments Off on Data Quality Officer

Using sensors to address damp and mould in social housing

20 May 2024

As part of funding from the Mayor of London, 200 small sensors that record temperature and humidity are being distributed to 18 boroughs.

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Addressing London’s slow and no digital infrastructure gaps

25 March 2024

Local London and South London Partnership shares their plans to unlocking future-fit digital connectivity in London.

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Digital Inclusion Innovation Programme

29 July 2022

A comprehensive programme to support boroughs to tackle digital exclusion in London.


Future Workplace

6 October 2021

Helping boroughs understand how they can use staff policies, technologies and new ways of working to create high-performing workplaces.

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Innovation in Procurement

22 July 2021

An Innovation in Procurement Toolkit to help boroughs see how they can improve their own procurement processes to lead to better results.

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City Tools / Thirty3

1 July 2020

To show and share the technologies used in London’s local government services to allow boroughs to collaborate with one another and innovate in procurement.

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