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LOTI Year 5 in Review

23 July 2024

On LOTI’s 5th anniversary, Eddie Copeland looks back at the achievements of our community of local government innovators over the past year.

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IoT for Public Services: A Collaborative Approach in London

19 July 2024

To enable a Pan-London collaboration, GLA, LOTI & local authorities are teaming up to create a common approach to using & generating data from IoT sensors. 

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West London’s approach to understanding connected technologies

22 May 2024

Lucy Dunn from WLA explains their approach to understanding which IoT & 5G use cases have the greatest positive impact on the lives of those living and working in West London. 

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A european take on digital inclusion

20 May 2024

Genta from the LOTI team reflects on her experience attending the Eurocities Digital Inclusion Forum in Rotterdam.

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Using sensors to address damp and mould in social housing

20 May 2024

As part of funding from the Mayor of London, 200 small sensors that record temperature and humidity are being distributed to 18 boroughs.

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Pan London IoT Damp and Mould Project

29 April 2024

Delivering health and wellbeing outcomes for Londoners through better damp and mould data collected through sensors to inform services.

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Addressing London’s slow and no digital infrastructure gaps

25 March 2024

Local London and South London Partnership shares their plans to unlocking future-fit digital connectivity in London.

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New functionality & features of London’s EV charge point dashboard

14 March 2024

London’s EV Chargepoint Dashboard now includes new data sets and analytical tools to support the strategic deployment of new EV Infrastructure.

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10 Reflections from Smart City Expo 2023 in Barcelona

8 December 2023

Jay from the LOTI team shares his 10 reflections from attending the Smart City World Expo in Barcelona.

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Showcasing London at the Smart City Expo in Barcelona

22 November 2023

Highlights from LOTI’s first time at showcasing London at the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) in Barcelona.

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Better Images of AI: An Important Discussion for Society

8 November 2023

Elo Esalomi, a Year 13 student from London, writes about her experiences of the Better Images of AI workshop run during London Data Week in Summer 2023.

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Smart City Use Case Library

2 November 2023

LOTI has pulled together this library of smart city use cases to help boroughs in London learn from each other.

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