Data Foundations

Helping London’s public sector quickly and easily share data in a way that's legal, ethical and secure.

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Status: Completed


Recognising that data collaboration is a vital enabler of driving better decision making and service delivery across London, this project set out to help boroughs quickly and easily share data with each other in a way that is legal, ethical and secure.

Data collaboration is hard for a number of reasons, including differences in organisations’ technology, data standards and culture. An additional set of reasons is linked to the fact that each borough has a different approach and set of tools for completing the Information Governance (IG) process. Completing the IG process alone for a pan-London data project has been known to take between 6 months to a year.

LOTI has therefore:

LOTI is now campaigning for boroughs to implement six specific measures to improve data sharing, as outlined in this article.



7 Step Framework for Information Governance

A framework for understanding what needs to happen and who needs to be involved at each stage of the Information Governance process for data collaboration projects.

LOTI outcomes-based methodology for data projects

LOTI's outcomes-based methodology for data projects, which focuses on identifying the role data can play in delivering real-world outcomes.

Tender Wording for Data Access and API Requirements

Wording for technology tenders to ensure boroughs can set clear expectations with suppliers about their data access and API requirements.

Dapian – Data Privacy Impact Assessment tool

Dapian - an online tool for creating Data Privacy Impact Assessments (DPIAs), co-created and co-funded by LOTI.

Data Quality: Why it Matters and How to Improve It

A guide to help councils have better conversations about data quality, why it matters, and how to improve it.

How to Establish A Data Ethics Governance Board

A collection of resources that document the data ethics board and accompanying processes that Brent has established to govern data projects

Project Timeline


LOTI is now campaigning for boroughs to implement six specific measures to improve data sharing, as outlined in this article, and the slide deck shown.

Six measures for borough data and IG teams to improve London data collaboration


Screenshot of Dapian Homepage

Screenshot of Dapian Homepage


LOTI was pleased to confirm the launch of Dapian, a new digital tool for creating Data Privacy Impact Assessments. LOTI supported the development of the tool with Looking Local, CC2i and local authorities around the UK. The ICO were on the project group involved in the development of the platform, which reduces the time taken to create a DPIA by ~63%, saving around £1,200 per DPIA in saved staff time.

Information Governance Workshop Slides - 28 Oct 2019


Workshop 2

Facilitated by Ed Garcez, Fozlu Miah and Sudip Trivedi from London Borough of Camden and the LOTI team, the workshop had three objectives:
1) fully engage DPOs and IG Leads in LOTI’s work on responsible data sharing, 2)
identify specific actions to improve the IG process for pan-London data sharing projects, and 3) present the Information Share Gateway as a tool available for London’s public sector.

The key question we wanted to explore was how LOTI could effectively reduce the time and complexity involved in the IG aspects of data sharing initiatives. See summary and slides.


Workshop 1

Facilitated by Ed Garcez, Fozlu Miah and Sudip Trivedi from the London Borough of Camden and the LOTI team, the workshop had three objectives. To:
1) Build up a detailed picture of what outcomes LOTI member boroughs wish to enable, 2) Understand the problems that are currently preventing those desired outcomes, and 3) Review potential Information Governance solutions that already exist and agree on an approach for London. See summary and slides.

Information Governance Workshop Slides S


Project Planner

Sets out our rationale and methodology for developing a project seeking to enable public sector organisations in London to be able to quickly and easily share data with each other when it is appropriate to do so, in a way that is legal, ethical and secure. This contributes towards LOTI’s Data Collaboration and Sharing and Reusing workstreams.

September 6, 2019

Project Kick-off

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