After synthesising our insights from workshop 1 and establishing our three concepts, we ran a prototyping workshop to test each concept with local authorities and community organisations. This process helped us to identify which concept had the greatest opportunity for impact, whilst being desirable, feasible and viable within the pilot project time frame.
Colleagues from a number of London boroughs, VCS organisations and health partners attended the workshop.
The feedback during the workshop leant towards a combination of two concepts: Tailored Technologies and Hybrid Communities.
Participants felt that Tailored Technologies (managed devices) with remote support would provide a more flexible and practical approach to personalisation than attempting to tackle the huge variety of hardware options and the data governance and practical logistics of setting up a device library (concept 1: Connected Devices).
Meanwhile, Hybrid Communities would help to create a compelling reason for individuals to adopt and engage with technology.
By combining Tailored Technologies and Hybrid Communities, we will tackle the means (access to technology) and the ends (reason for using technology) in tandem.
Comments from workshop participants included: “There is a lot of work already around area but 2 leading to 3 would be great” and “Concept 3 is the future!”.