In this blog, Jay Saggar and Eddie Copeland share their thoughts on London as a smart city and what LOTI aims to do in this area.
Leave a commentLOTI has worked on several projects with Social Finance recently so we’ve joined forces to explain how good information governance has positively impacted those projects.
Leave a commentEver wondered how you can tell if data can help you solve a specific problem? This blog outlines three simple questions you can ask.
1 CommentLOTI Researcher and Data Ethicist Sam Nutt considers what ideas and activities local government should focus on to become effective users of AI in the coming years?
Leave a commentLOTI Researcher and Data Ethicist Sam Nutt details the findings from LOTI’s research over the Summer of 2023 into the state of play of generative AI in local government.
Leave a commentLOTI are developing a programme of work around Responsible AI to help our boroughs be more ambitious users of AI.
Leave a commentODI Researchers Joe Massey & Ben Snaith make the case collating and curating datasets generated by Londoners to better understand and improve London.
Leave a commentAnna from LOTI shares her reflections and key takeaways from the London Data Week event: Data Innovation in London.
Leave a commentEddie Copeland outlines how LOTI is evolving to offer more innovation methods to complement and strengthen its work on tech and data.
Leave a commentNatalia Domagala argues that London data innovation should build on the principles of transparency, participation, accountability and ethics.
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