Assistive Technology pilots

Helping boroughs measure the impact and effectiveness of assistive technologies that help residents to live independently.

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Status: Completed


This project sought to help London boroughs make effective use of Assistive Technology (AT) to enable residents to live more independently. Our work in this area focused on supporting public sector staff to make evidence-based decisions about the role and effectiveness of different ATs, and to conduct their own AT trials in a way that furthers the collective knowledge of the whole LOTI community.

Our work on this project began by creating a guide to designing and evaluating AT projects. ThenLOTI explored the potential of Assistive Technologies to support boroughs’ Covid response by supporting isolated individuals to live more independently. Building on this knowledge, LOTI then supported pilots in Greenwich and Hackney. These enabled us to rehearse our new methods and help build up boroughs’ knowledge of what works in this important field.

The Greenwich pilot explored the effectiveness of Amazon Echo in improving the well-being of participants and promoting independence and self-care in the identified group of participants.

The Hackney pilot explored whether providing a device, internet connection, written guidance and an offer of one-to-one support, enabled selected socially isolated individuals with medium-low digital skills, to make contact with others remotely.



Assistive Technology Research Report

LOTI's research report to understand the breadth and quality of existing cases studies available online on the use of Assistive Technologies.

Assistive Technology Case Study Library

A searchable database of more than 120 case studies on the use of Assistive Technology (AT) for local authorities.

Guide to Designing and Evaluating AT Pilots

A guide to help design and deliver Assistive Technology (AT) projects while applying a consistent methodology for evaluating results.

Framework for Design and Evaluation of AT Trials

Framework for applying LOTI’s Outcomes-Based Methodology to the design and evaluation of Assistive Technology trials.

Assistive Technology User Agreement Template

A plain English template user agreement for use in Assistive Technology (AT) trials conducted by local authorities. 

Assistive Technology Results Template

Template for recording the results of assistive technology trials.

Research on use of Smart Water Bottles in Care Homes

Research on the use of smart water bottles to reduce levels of dehydration amongst care home residents.

Connecting People Remotely – an Assistive Technology Case Study

A case study outlining details of the 'Connecting People Remotely' assistive technology pilot undertaken by Hackney and funded by LOTI

Amazon Echo Pilot: A Case Study from Greenwich

An assistive technology case study outlining details of the Amazon Echo pilot undertaken by Greenwich and funded by LOTI.

Project Timeline


Hackney AT Pilot Show and Tell

In this video, Eden Munro from Hackney Council shares details of their ‘Connecting People Remotely’ assistive technology pilot, including lessons learned.

Copy Of Untitled Presentation


Waltham Forest Hydration Pilot

We’re currently designing a randomised control trial with Waltham Forest colleagues and external evaluation experts to ensure this pilot provides robust evidence on the role of ATs in tackling dehydration. Watch this space for more information in the coming weeks.


Hackney Assistive Technology pilot

In this pilot, Hackney will test whether a holistic model of providing a device, internet connection, guidance and one-to-one support enables people with social care needs to connect with others remotely to improve their wellbeing.

Untitled Presentation
Website Image Greenwich Pilot


Greenwich Assistive Technology Pilot

This 6-week pilot will explore the effectiveness of the Amazon Alexa Show 8 in improving the wellbeing and promoting the independence of ten Greenwich residents who are in receipt of blue badge services.


LOTI Assistive Technology (AT) Research Report

Anneliese Levy (Researcher, Thoughtful Content) summarises what is currently known about the impact and evidence on the effectiveness of different ATs. The summary blog and research report are now available to read online.


LOTI Show & Tell

Eden Munro (Project Officer, Hackney Council) presented the LOTI Assistive Technology User Agreement Template and Wellbeing Questionnaire.


Assistive Technology: Wellbeing Questionnaire

A questionnaire for assessing the wellbeing of AT trial participants. We’d welcome your feedback, so please make suggestions or add comments to the document.

LOTI Assistive Technology Wellbeing Questionnaire

LOTI AT User Agreement Template


Plain English User Agreement Template and Guide

A template user agreement (and guide) for local authorities recruiting participants on assistive technology trials. We’d welcome your feedback, so please make suggestions or add comments to the document.


AT Research Summary Report 

A summary report on the use of the following technologies in social care: smart homes, robotics, sensors, touchscreen tablets, etc.

LOTI Assistive Technology Research

LOTI Assistive Technology Research - Smart Water Bottles


Smart Water Bottle Research Summary

A summary report on the use of smart water bottles for improving hydration and helping to reduce hospital admissions of care home residents.


AT Research Brief

We’ve commissioned Anneliese Levy, to conduct desktop research in order to identify and collate details of existing case studies on the use of digital ATs, their use cases and effectiveness.

View the research brief here.

Assistive Technology Research Brief

LOTI AT for Covid Recovery Plan & Workshop Slides



AT for Covid Recovery

On the 21 and 23 September 2020, LOTI held two workshops that sought to explore systemic issues that prevent boroughs from using Assistive Technologies effectively and to identify specific actions we can take to resolve those issues. View the raw notes from the discussion, here.


LOTI’s plans on the use of AT for Covid Recovery.


See below LOTI’s plans on the use of AT for Covid recovery.


AT Evaluations Research Summary

A summary of the research conducted by the LOTI team, which informed the development of the AT Evaluation Framework and Guide.

Research Summary - Assistive Technology Evaluations

Assistive Technology Project Planner

Project Planner

An outline of the scope, desired outcomes, and key problems the project will address.

November 11, 2019

Project Kick-off

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