Guide to Upcycling Retired Digital Devices
How to Run an Upcycling Scheme

Step 7: Distribute the devices

Getting the upcycled devices into the hands of people who need them may be the final part of the process but it is definitely the most rewarding.

Key considerations

  • Do we have a budget for distributing the devices?
  • Will we identify and distribute the devices ourselves or would we like the donor or upcycling service provider to do so on our behalf?
  • Do we have a preference for where the devices are distributed (e.g. in our local area)?
  • Would we like the devices to be distributed to particular groups or communities?
  • Do potential beneficiaries have the right skills, Wi-Fi connectivity and access to technical support?
  • Who is responsible for taking enquiries and providing support to beneficiaries once the devices are distributed?

Top tips

  • Choose your upcycling service provider carefully – this includes checking if they can help with the identification of beneficiaries and conduct local distribution (either themselves or through a partner organisation).
  • Work with other services within your organisation, such as Housing, Benefits and Social Care, to identify potential beneficiaries.
  • Ask your organisation’s voluntary and community sector (VCS) team to recommend local charities and groups that may be able to identify potential beneficiaries.
  • Team up with VCS organisations and/or your organisation’s Adult Education division to put in place training sessions (e.g. digital skills) for beneficiaries so they get the most out of the devices.
  • Work with your upcycling service provider, local VCS organisations and teams within your organisation to provide some technical support for beneficiaries (at least for a limited time).
  • Explore options for offering free connectivity to enable beneficiaries to get online (at least for a limited time).

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