
Browse below to find resources, guides and toolkits created by LOTI.

Guide to developing a digital inclusion strategy

A guide to developing a digital inclusion strategy for councils that is outcomes driven and needs focused.

Guide to running a design sprint

LOTI’s step-by-step guide to design sprints helps public sector teams turn ideas into action with structured activities, templates, and real-world examples.

IoT Sensors for Damp and Mould Project: A Comprehensive Review

A comprehensive review of insights and lessons learned across London boroughs from the Internet of Things Damp and Mould Project.

Guide to designing an immersive experience

A practical, step-by-step guide to designing immersive experiences that bring stories and systems to life through interactive activities and theatre.

Information Governance Hub

This information governance hub houses all the LOTI resources and content relating to information governance (IG) and data sharing for London local government.

LOTI Health & Social Care System Technology Map

A report and database of technology and data solutions that address key challenges and pain points in the health and care system.

Adult Social Care Storyboards

Storyboards that capture the journeys of individuals who need care and support and products that can help them have a better experience.

London IoT Declaration

The London IoT Declaration is a commitment by London Boroughs and the organisations they collaborate with to work together to protect Londoners’ privacy and security.

Creating a professional linkage platform in adult social care

This toolkit aims to help Local Authorities create a digital tool that drives efficiencies in adult social care.

Pan-London Analytical Capability Framework

This framework aims to support boroughs to facilitate employees’ career progression inthe analytical field, and bring in and retain analytical talent.

Drivers, foundations and data protection considerations for damp & mould-related data projects

This guidance identifies the drivers and data protection considerations for using data relating to damp and mould, and the health of tenants and properties affected by it.

AI Opportunities in Housing Services

A report identifying a shortlist of AI opportunities in housing services for council officers and others who may be interested.

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