
Browse below to find resources, guides and toolkits created by LOTI.

Data Quality: Why it Matters and How to Improve It

A guide to help councils have better conversations about data quality, why it matters, and how to improve it.

How to Design Inclusive Online Meetings, Workshops and Events

A set of practical measures councils can take to ensure their online sessions are as accessible and inclusive as possible.

Connecting People Remotely – an Assistive Technology Case Study

A case study outlining details of the ‘Connecting People Remotely’ assistive technology pilot undertaken by Hackney and funded by LOTI

London Digital Exclusion Map

A map for digital inclusion leads, VCS organisations and others to understand the geographic distribution of digital exclusion to ward level.

Housing Tech Innovation and Best Practice in the UK Public Sector

A summary of housing technology innovation and best practice including methodologies and technologies used across the UK public sector.

Housing Tech Supplier Landscape Research

A summary of innovative housing technology suppliers.

London Digital Exclusion Personas

Pack of 24 personas of digitally excluded individuals, created by London boroughs as part of LOTI’s mapping digital exclusion project.

How to Use the London DataStore for Data Collaboration Projects

A guide to using the London DataStore for sharing data securely and privately across organisational boundaries in London.

Preventing Residents from Reaching Crisis Toolkit

A toolkit developed to share the methods, approaches and outputs delivered as part of the ‘Preventing Residents from Reaching Crisis’ project.

Housing Services IT procurement specification and templates

A collection of three reusable guides and templates to help councils wishing to procure Housing Management Services IT systems.

Guide to councils’ powers to fund digital access for disabled people

Guide on how councils can fund provision of computer devices and connectivity for people living with disabilities.

LOTI outcomes-based methodology for data projects

LOTI’s outcomes-based methodology for data projects, which focuses on identifying the role data can play in delivering real-world outcomes.

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