Weeknote 42 of 2021

What we’ve been doing

LOTI Award Winners!

We start with celebrations! Huge congratulations to the collaboration of Barnet, Brent, RBKC, Southwark and Westminster plus LOTI and the GLA for winning a Smart Working Live Award.

The award in the ‘Inclusive Communication and Collaboration’ category recognises the Mapping Digital Exclusion Project, which has built a publicly available map on the London DataStore that can help boroughs identify areas of digital exclusion, the key groups affected, and the types of needs they may have. The project has created 24 digital exclusion personas that can be used for designing services based on user needs, and produced research that provides quantitative and qualitative evidence on the nuanced reasons why people are digitally excluded.

Image of Rajiv Kumar and Rhoda Phillips from Westminster accepting the award

Rajiv Kumar and Rhoda Phillips from Westminster accept the award on behalf of the project team

Key Resources from that project include:

The team consisted of:

  • Yogita Popat, Head of Insight & Intelligence
  • Matthew Boxall, Insight & Intelligence Technical Lead
  • Fenella Pringle, Insight & Intelligence Officer
  • Helen Wang, Insight & Intelligence Officer
  • Madeleine Leathley, Workstream Lead (Digital Programme)
  • Doug Plumer, Business Intelligence Manager
Kensington and Chelsea
  • Tim Ellis, Bi-borough IT Development Lead
  • Raphaëlle Lewis, Digital Inclusion Programme Support
  • Shade Nathaniel-Ayodele, Technology Project Manager
  • Dan Powell, Digital Learning Partner
  • Stuart Carter, Corporate GIS Manager
  • Rhoda Phillips, Digital Inclusion and Talent Lead
  • Rajiv Kumar, Project Manager (Smart Cities Innovation)
  • Neil Samson, Senior User Researcher
  • Curtis Horne, Researcher and Intelligence Analyst
  • Christina Als, Project Officer
  • Kola Azeez, GIS Analyst (for WCC and RBKC)
  • Ian Hanson, GIS Analyst (for WCC and RBKC)
  • Jay Sagger, Programme Manager
  • Onyeka Onyekwelu, Strategic Engagement Manager
  • Paul Hodgson, Senior Manager (City Data)
  • Malgorzata Lachowska, GIS Officer

Award for LOTI co-funded DPIA platform

Congratulations to the team at Dapian, who won an award at the Information & Records Management Society’s Annual Conference for Team of the Year and Innovation of the Year. Dapian is an online tool, co-funded by LOTI and other partners (see list here), that speeds up the process of creating Data Privacy Impact Assessments.

Women in Tech Excellence Awards

In other award news, our huge congratulations go to our former colleague, Onyeka Onyekwelu, who was shortlisted in two categories as part of the Women in Tech Excellence 2021 Awards, which took place on 24 November.

Onyeka at Women In Tech Excellence Awards

Digital Inclusion in Temporary Accommodation

After completing the primary research for our discovery into digital inclusion in temporary accommodation hostels, we invited colleagues from London boroughs, the GLA and London Councils to a playback of our findings. The slides detailing these findings can be viewed here.Hierarchy of residents digital needsThis week we’ll be reflecting on the insights, and identifying and prioritising opportunities for interventions.

Exploring tools that make accessing Social Value easier

As part of our ongoing work to support boroughs to direct social value contributions to support digital inclusion-related initiatives, we’ve been looking at existing technical solutions in the marketplace. To date, we’ve held two demonstration sessions where we explored the functionality of the Social Value Portal and ‘Match My Project’ from Social Value Exchange.

The Social Value Portal, is ‘an online platform for social value measurement and reporting‘. In the demo session, we heard how its technical functionality combined with the TOMs (Themes, Outcomes and Measures) Framework supports organisations to define social value commitments as well as managing and reporting on their delivery.

The Match my project solution from Social Value Exchange offers councils the opportunity to link social value contributions directly to local community organisations. A date for a demo of a third tool, currently used by Brent, will be confirmed shortly.

Things we’ve published

New operating models for public services

On Friday, Eddie joined Dave Briggs from Sensible Tech to record a video about new operating models for public services. As local authorities try to navigate serious cost pressures while wanting to meet residents’ rising needs and expectations, Eddie talks through six examples of alternatives to the traditional model of public service delivery that may hold inspiration for boroughs.

Coming up this week

Among other things, this week we’ll be:

  1. Designing a LOTI Away to be held on 11 January, at which we look forward to bringing together representatives from each LOTI borough to share common challenges and help us shape where the community goes next.
  2. Speaking to Lauren Currie OBE as we make final arrangements for the launch in the New Year of the LOTI Women’s Digital Leaders Network.
  3. Completing the final phase of our discovery into digital inclusion in temporary accommodation.

For all the latest news from LOTI, follow us on Twitter.

Eddie Copeland
30 November 2021 ·

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